Friday, January 13, 2012

There she is

Miss America 1965 and Kurley-Q
The inspiration behind this post came from a friend who sent me a joke photo with a different dummy in the picture.  The beauty queen is Miss America 1965, Vonda Kay Van Dyke holding her knee pal Kurley-Q.  Vonda Kay was the first contestant to perform ventriloquism in the talent phase of the Miss America pageant.

The "inspiration" photo was the product of a little Photoshop magic that placed my friend's dummy in the picture instead of Kurley-Q.  The "replacement" was a cute little figure named Ian holding a beer bottle.  Out of respect for Vonda Kay's reputation, I decided to go with the original since Miss America 1965 went on to become a bestselling author of Christian self-help books for young women.  (Dating beer-guzzling dummies was probably not covered in one of her chapters). 

But the joke photo made me giggle and led me to research Vonda Kay's triumph.

Say, does anyone know who built Kurley Q?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I read somewhere that Frank Marshall built Kurley Q
