Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just lop it off

I'm working on the new Otis 34" figure. One of the first tasks is to install the brass tube in the jaw. A brass rod will be inserted in the tube for the axle. Sometimes when I drill the holes on either side of the jaw to fit the tube, they're not quite lined up. When I insert the tube, it's either too low on one side, too forward or back from perfect alignment, or both. So rather than file one of the holes to align the tube, I just lop off the corner completely. Since I'm going to secure the tube with Magic-Sculpt anyway, I sink the tube in the two-part epoxy until the tube is properly lined up.

1 comment:

  1. P. Grecian9:10 AM

    Perfect and practical, Kenny! It's like Alexander the Great's answer to untying the Gordian Knot!
