I keep re-working almost every part of this guy's face. Today I shaved off the sides of his mouth opening to fit the contour of the jaw. Then I re-placed the jaw and closed the gaps on the bottom and sides. I also worked his cheeks a bit. I added some crow's feet to his eyes. Then I smoothed out the first forehead wrinkles I made and decided to work the forehead from the top of the eyes up. The first step was to shape the area just above the eyes. I want him smiling, but with a slight worried look. After all, Otis The Moonshiner will be concerned about the "Revenuers" catchin' him.
I really need to remember to breathe while I'm sculpting.
Glad you did the jaw contour thing. Adds SO much to the whole design. For me, the toughest part has always been symmetry. Gets me every time. He's looking really great!