Monday, October 31, 2011

I gave him a fat lip

No, I didn't smack him.  I applied more Paper Clay.  I gave my Asian figure model a fuller upper lip.  I curved up the left corner in a slight smile, and the right side in a flatter expression.  Paul Winchell mentioned this technique in his book "Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit".

This guy looks rough right now.  I'll be happy to get to the sanding phase so I can see if he really looks right.

By the way, thanks for the tips on dealing with the Paper Clay cracks.

Oh... and Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Looking good Kenny!! The wrinkled forehead lends to the "older look" I was looking for in the Asian character. And the thicker upper lip lends to the overall character. Coincidence (or not), he actually is starting to look like an Asian friend of mine with whom I play tennis. Absent the wrinkles, my friend looks just like him.

