Sunday, May 21, 2006

What do you mean it's too red?

Nothing worse than a color blind ventriloquist. Well, maybe a color blind oil painter might be worse, but I can't be far behind.

So I'm painting the lips of my Mike Brose head and jaw and I let it dry. A couple of hours later, my wife Joyce comes in and takes a critical look.

"He looks like a transvestite," she says.

"A what!?", I reply with a horrified look.

"He looks like a tranvestite. His lips are too red."

I'm crushed. Jerry Mahoney had real red lips. I tell her that.

"I don't care", she says. "He looks like a street walker.". Actually, she used a more colorful term, but I'll go with "street walker" in case some kid stumbles upon this blog.

So, because my wife IS a painter (watercolors), I decide to go with her recommendation. I repaint the lips and jaw a more subdued pinkish hue. It meets with her approval.

Wonder what she'll think about the blush and eyeliner?

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