Friday, May 26, 2006

A Charlie

Along with my Mike Brose-cast dummy project, I've purchased an old Charlie McCarthy doll and some Braylu parts to build a "semi-pro" vent figure. I figure I'd build it, then sell it to subsidize (and use up) the supplies I've purchased to build the pro dummy. Plus, I think I'll improve my skills.

The Charlie I bought is a bit battered, so he'll require some sanding, ApoxySculpt patching, and painting. I think I'll be able to salvage and use the arms and legs from the original. Since I have to ApoxySculpt a few dings, I thought I might as well alter his appearance slightly for practice. I'm actually excited (and intimidated) by the prospect of creating a different look.

This project will also give me something to do while the pro vent figure's paint dries.

Better than just WATCHING it dry!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
