Tuesday, January 08, 2013


My full-size Uncle Earl project has moved a few steps closer to completion. I've just about finished with the facial detail painting. For the teeth, I ordered an Austin Powers buckteeth appliance. I sculpted the two teeth on each side of the Austin Powers teeth to fill out the mouth. (The teeth show even when the mouth is closed). Rather than use the jaw that came with the Uncle Earl casting, I used a Jackie jaw and altered the chin quite a bit. This figure will eventually have grey eyebrows and a full salt-and-pepper wig. As the client has requested, he'll be dressed in a light blue seersucker suit.


  1. Chuck Lyons1:52 PM

    Wow Kenny, Your work is amazing. I am so proud to know you and be able to call you a friend. See you in July!

  2. P. Grecian8:20 AM

    Ha! Looks great, Kenny! Hardly wait to see him with hair and eyebrows!
