Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Things were going so well

Stop. Take one step forward. Stop. Take 2 steps back.

I got this far. Frame installed. Moves smoothly. Cut chamois. Tape it up on the inside. Apply glue to frame. Drape chamois over glued frame. Get glue all over the frame's tubes.

Wait a minute. That last step. Get glue all over the frame's tubes. I wasn't supposed to do that.

The winker frame that moved up and down so smoothly suddenly moved like running in a bad dream. Had to rip out the frame (thus destroying it). That's where the Stop. Take 2 steps back thing comes in.

I will move forward. Lesson learned. (Geez I wish there was an easier way).


  1. All in all, it was a good show.

  2. P. Grecian10:32 AM

    I did the very same thing applying what I know of figure construction to my grandson's Halloween costume. Frustrating, innit?
