Sunday, November 04, 2012


I installed a tube 'n' rod eye control in this headstick. I usually attach the headstick to the head early on. But if I install it now, the tube will block installation of the jaw. If I attach the headstick after the eyes and jaw are installed, I have to work with the head without the headstick... which makes it more difficult to handle and store. If I install a headstick before I install a tube 'n' rod, the tube 'n' rod will be nearly impossible to install with the headstick attached.

Somehow I need to defeat the space/time continuum.



  1. P. Grecian9:30 AM

    Sounds like building a ship in an already corked bottle. :-)

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I remember you had this same conundrum with eye tray work a couple years ago. I had the same headstick issue, but I was using a wood headstick and was able to install the brass tubes later and still have the headstick installed for fit and handling.

    Ever think of just quitting all this puppet nonsense and doing something simple like brain surgery?!

