Sunday, May 10, 2009

Too scary

I'm embarrassed to say I'm experiencing my first return. The kindergartners in Oklahoma thought Sparky was too scary. Not that I blame them. I remember how much the flying monkeys frightened me in "The Wizard Of Oz".

He'll be up for sale again soon. (However flying is not one of Sparky's animations.)


  1. The face is very funny and, I think, friendly looking. Maybe the extra large chin made him look like Slappy?. That type of monkey face goes better with a very small chin, I think, kind of Mortimer's... If you have the book on marionettes by Helen Fling, there are a few illustrations with basic types of heads and the meaning of different features, sort of theatrical stereotypes. Very, very interesting reading, I recommend it to every puppet/figure maker. Just the same, Kenny, your figures keep getting better and better all the time, I do congratulate you!.

  2. Shame ... but Sparky deserves a good home.
