Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Two sides

The jaw has been reshaped to fit the jaw opening in the head. I still need to sand the jaw here and there to get the mouth to close perfectly, but you can see the direction this guy's heading. To Assisted Living! I also added ears with giant ear lobes. Again, it's that cartilage thing. I want it to appear as though he has no teeth, so I etched little wrinkles above and below the mouth opening.

I am toying with the idea of adding a new animation. The "devil" on my shoulder is urging me to make this figure stick out his tongue. The "angel" on the other shoulder is advising me to "keep it simple, stupid". The "devil" side knows that great consternation will ensue and a stunning variety of bad words will come flying out of my mouth as I attempt to make the tongue animation function and the jaw to open in coordination with tongue extraction. Even the "f-word" might sneak out (though I will, of course, substitute the consonant with the soft "th" sound).

I believe the "angel" is also aware of the dire possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenny,

    I saw you defending yourself on Dan put together a nice website. It's a shame he has to ruin it with a forum that attacks people who don't fit into their club. You don't have to defend yourself to Barry A. He is the kind of person that is only happy making people miserable(notice the frown icon he uses) Arguing with him only gives fuel to his fire. You make a good product Kenny. Don't worry about fitting in with the good old boys club. It's not worth the dance. I can only guess what the A.stands for (:
