I'm fitting the jaw for my full-size Uncle Earl. I made axle slots in the head to mount the jaw armature. The slots (made of Magic-Sculpt) were placed so the jaw swung freely in the head and opened at it's widest possible point. From there(thinking the Magic-Sculpt would stay somewhat secure... and this is where I shoulda been donked), I proceeded to sculpt and contour with Paper Clay atop the jaw armature (pictured). Of course, the constant movement of the slots caused my lengthy jaw-sculpting a total waste of time. But in the process... the jaw sculpting was enlightening and fun (kinda like a kindergartner with Play Dough). But I realized I should sculpt the jaw in steps.
First, let the slots dry completely. (Duh!)
Step one is to sculpt the bottom lip so that it contours with Uncle Earl's top lip. Let it dry. Step two is sculpt the front part of the jaw down to the chin. Let it dry, too. Next comes the bottom of the jaw where it meets the neck. You guessed it... wait 'til it dries. After that, layer the jaw's interior with a nice smooth surface. Let 'er dry. Next-to-last step, add a tongue. (No teeth. Uncle Earl eats lots of Jello).
Let it all dry.
Final step: Sand to taste.
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