Saturday, June 05, 2010

Made me blink

So far, I've managed to avoid making blinkers and/or winkers. But a client has made a request, I've agreed to make them, and he's paid his money. Now I'm committed (or should be committed).

I've studied the Fred Project, Mike Brose's chapter on blinkers, and studied the instructions that came with the styrene eyelids Buzz James sent me a year or so ago. I'm experimenting with materials, spring location possibilities, and ways to make blinkers without sacrificing the crossed eyes animation (now, that's a real conundrum).

As I have done in the past, I will likely share photos and explanations and probably whine a lot as I progress (or don't). Please bear with me.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon ngai9:26 PM

    al steven's blog has some very helpful tips on making blinkers/winkers, too.
