Sunday, March 15, 2009


I do enjoy making my conversion figures. The part I enjoy most is designing and sculpting the facial features. But now and then, I reach a point when I need to manufacture elements of the figure. To keep a steady flow of figure production, it's better to perform certain tasks in an assembly-line fashion. I usually manufacture five at a time (which I procrastinate).

That's where I'm at today.

(I will start. I will start. I will start.)


  1. Heh, Don't worry Mr. Croes (I'm a youth, I still have that urge to call people by 'Mr.' even when I'm unsure if it's needed, but for the moment it would only be respectful.) Everybody has some off days.

  2. Get to work ,Kenny! (only kidding, I need to be "jump started" from time to time myself.)
