Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ventriloquism for dummies

Not an original title, but it describes the instruction manual I've been writing. I plan to include it with each vent figure I sell. "Civilians" almost universally think that ventrilqouism is a mystical and difficult art to master. But actually it's very easy to learn. It just takes practice, practice, practice. When I was a six-year-old, I used to practice my lip control holding a small hand-held mirror.

The nuances of performance and character are actually the deepest part of the art form and the most difficult to learn. The lip control is the mechanical and simplest part. I firmly believe that a good act and great character trumps lip control issues every time. Edgar Bergen is my best argument for that opinion.

So look for my Kenny Croes ventriloquism primer in the near future. (Though I wouldn't be scanning the New York Times best seller list).

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