Sunday, June 01, 2008

Dr. Kenny

These surgical tools come in handy when working in small spaces (like the inside of a conversion head). The two items in the lower portion of the picture are hemostats. These are tweezers that clamp shut at the handles. The long-nosed feature of the tools are useful for getting into those tight spaces and grabbing things (like springs, cord ends, dropped nuts, balls of Magic-Sculpt, etc.). One pair has a straight nose, the other a curved nose. Once the tweezers grab the item in question, the clamp makes sure I can hold onto it without exerting continuous pressure.

The tool at the top is useful as a probe. One end comes to a sharp point, the other end has a flat surface. It works well for skewering balls of Magic-Sculpt or wood putty. The flat end is sharp and is useful for scraping out wood shavings in the control post grooves or patting smooth wood putty or Magic-Sculpt.

Now that I have these tools, I'm amazed I ever functioned without them.

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