Monday, October 20, 2014

It must be close to Halloween

Seems every year I get a few requests for scary figures. Folks ask for figures with scars, blood, sharp teeth, bloodshot eyes, and take-offs on well-known freaky characters. Among this year's orders is a converted Goldberger Charlie McCarthy to masquerade as Billy in "Dead Silence".

However, no matter how much I darken the eyes, narrow the eyebrows and tweak the widow's peak hairline, Charlie still looks kinda cute.


  1. P. Grecian9:43 AM

    "Hey, come see this! The McCarthy kid's here trick-or-treating in the cutest little makeup job!"

  2. Wesley silva ramos dummy ventriloquist

  3. Wesley silva ramos dummy ventriloquist

  4. Wesley silva ramos billy the dummy
