Thursday, May 02, 2013

Tinker with a winker

I'm building another "Miss Mazie" figure for a client. Since I've only made a winker one time (on the original Miss Mazie), I had to review how the heck I did it. Luckily I took a few photos of the gizmos I made. I actually had to do a Search of my own blog to come up with the photos though. I also reviewed the photo I shot of the interior of Miss Mazie's head. From that information I was able to build the widgets pictured here. The top two photos are the rocker that will be suspended on a bar across the top area of the head. One end will connect to the winker, the other will connect to the cord. And since the mechanics are toward the front of the head, I had to cut a hole in the eye tray so the winker connection above the eye tray could connect to a spring located below the eye tray.

The hardest part of this was bending the brass rod on either end of the rocker. It worked out okay, but I still haven't figured out a surefire way to do it. I was scratchin' my head the entire time. (I'm lucky to have any hair left on my head as often as I scratch).

1 comment:

  1. P. Grecian9:33 AM

    Always fascinating to watch the step-by-step minutae, Kenny...the big problems in the little things solved. Thanks.
