Nubs in action! (Reminds me of "Pigs in space!".)
Actually its far less dramatic. Nubs, you may recall, are pre-formed platforms for the jaw axle tube-ends to rest upon. This is a photo of the nubs installed in a head.
- First I put the jaw with axle in the head and marked where the axle ends touched, or nearly touched, the sides of the head.
- Then I took two globs of Magic-Sculpt and placed each near the marks.
- Next step was to sink the nubs into the soft Magic-Sculpt.
- After that, I placed the jaw in the head with the axle-tube ends resting upon the nubs. I moved the jaw (and nubs) around in the soft Magic-Sculpt until the jaw was perfectly positioned.
- Using my fingers and a wet Popsicle stick, I secured the soft Magic-Sculpt to the head and enclosed the nubs. Then I pulled out the jaw.
- When the Magic-Sculpt dries, the nubs will be secure, but I'll probably add a little more Magic-Sculpt to cover any gaps for safe measure.
That's elegant! Seriously.