Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A good pupil


Sawed-off iris post
No pupils
The 1.25" eyes from Braylu require some alteration of the plastic irises so that they fit into the eyeball without interfering with the axle.  You see, the posts behind the plastic irises extend slightly into the axle hole.  So here's what I do about it.

I use a small fine-toothed saw to cut off about 1/8" from the back of the plastic post.  The deal is when you do that, you also remove the black pupil of the iris.  That's because the pupil is actually a reflection of some black paint at the very end of the post. 

To replace the black pupil, I lightly sand the cut-off area of the post.  Then I use a black Sharpie to color the end of the post.  I also color the sides of the post so there's a thin ring around the sides.  Then when I turn the eyes around, there's a new black pupil, and the irises will fit in the 1.25" eyeballs without the posts interfering with the axle.

Sharpie-colored posts

Pupils restored

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