Saturday, September 19, 2009

Think ahea....d

I'm the kind of guy that paints himself in the corner, runs out of room when handprinting a mailing label, saws off the tree limb I'm sitting on, and seals the dummy head before I've figured out the axle placement of the jaw mechanics.

I'm sculpting a new head for Braylu Creations. He'll be a goofy guy somewhat resembling Elmore, the fella in the video below (and for sale on Ebay, by the way). I was saving the jaw sculpting and placement for last because I thought it would be the most difficult part and I wanted to have fun first.

So I finish the second ear and begin to stroke my chin in wonderment about the jaw. Then it hits me. I've sculpted the head... completely. What's worse, the back of the head had been sawed off, but I glued it back on so I could Magic-Sculpt the entire pate. "How am I gonna get inside the head to place the jaw?" I ask myself while slapping my forehead with an open palm.

So this morning, I took my hacksaw and sawed off the back of the head... again. Fortunately, I accomplished the task without doing too much damage to my previous efforts.

By the way, I also started work on my first "Uncle Earl" from the Braylu casting. I'm pretty excited about that. (There's a casting for sale on Ebay, too!)

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