Wednesday, December 27, 2006

To PVC or not to PVC...

I came across a diagram for arms and legs made of PVC pipe connected by clevis and cotter pins. It looked intrguing, so I posed the question on ventfigures Yahoo Group. Alan Semok responded that he thought the approach sounded clunky. Not being conversant in PVC pipe, I went to the local hardware store and stared at it for awhile. I lifted it up, shook it, peered down the middle of it, and in the end decided not to decide. I also searched out clevis and cotter pins to poke at those, too. I definitely didn't like them. I did find some cool brass connectors that I thought would work (and look) much better.

I am investigating ways to build my own vent figures from scratch... that is... without using Charlies. And I'd like to fabricate as many of the parts as possible. I want to continue buying the Braylu bodies, control posts and the Mike Brose eyes. But I'd really love building my own limbs and heads. I don't, however, want to build molds. I like sculpting each figure in MagicSculpt. I'm in no rush to change, but I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for ideas.

Got any?

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